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Bavasi failed on all fronts.  Our farm is stocked to the gills.  We add more top players in one year than Bavasi had in all his years (especially where hitters are concerned).
We have won more trades than we lost.  Iwakuma is a huge FA win, both for being a great player and for not costing us the $100+ million that Darvish cost the Rangers).  Jack finally has a decently stocked team after being here 4+ years.  There are assets on the big club and assets on the farm.  The only large contract he has on the books is Felix's, which is the one we desperately needed to get done.
Are all the kids performing at optimal levels? No.
Have his non-international FAs worked out? Not really.
Have all his trades worked? No.
But we're in faaaaar better shape now, even though he's working with $40 mil (or whatever) less than Bavasi had. Right now we're mad because we have too many good infielders to fit onto this team.  Imagine having that problem in 2009.
We'll need to be better about adding domestic free agents to this team.  That's one front that Jack needs to utilize a better strategy on, but we haven't had huge losses on that front either.  It's been a lightly fought battleground so far.
But at least we're not losing all the fronts anymore.  There are wins happening instead of loss after repetitive loss on the player battlefields.

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