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It seems as if it does not require great skill at baseball to sign the best free agent available. All it takes is money. Give anybody Illich's check book and he can land you Prince Fielder. Similarly, everyone knows the skill set of the upper tier of stars. We know how good Clayton Kershaw is. It is easy to spot and project great talent shined to a luster and placed behind protective glass. But, spotting what will be is the key to everything in baseball. Who knew about Kyle Seager a few years ago? Who knows about him now?
I think that this is an exciting time to be an M's fan. We're just one Erasmpage/ Hultz smash away from turning into the Giants of twenty ought yore and inflicting death by shutout on the entire league. Z gets extra points for not trading off all of the good young pitchers. With injuries and such, it turns out we need all of them to make a rotation.

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