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Also known as "how Jamie Moyer pitched until he was 50". He's been saying that to every fresh-faced kid in whatever dugout he was in for the past 20 years. Bases loaded, young guy at the plate eager to drive in a run? Hello, Bugs Bunny change-up. Got him thinking about the change? Blow that wicked 82 MPH heater right by him and watch the head hang and shoulders slump as he shuffles back to the dugout.
Interesting point about the American vs Nippon approach to hitting that I hadn't (but should have) thought of before. For the most part the only hitters in Japan who swing big and don't care much about strikeouts are the American players. Wladimir Balentien is the current poster boy. I can see where a hitter whose game is short swing with great bat control could have success against Iwakuma - the Tony Gwynn or Wade Boggs (Rod Carew or Pete Rose for us older guys) fouling off pitch after pitch until they get a walk or drop one in. Of course Iwakuma seems to be able to handle non HoFers of that type too judging by his success in NPB. But if you are going to swing from the heels, unless you guess right or Iwakuma makes a mistake and leaves one out over the plate you can't correct when the ball you thought was going to be thigh high ends up around your ankles.

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