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The M's led MLB baseball in attendance in both 2001 & 2002 with > 43,000 per game. A brief summary of the M's attendance decline:
1) 2002 - 43,709
2) 2006 - 30,634
3) 2010 - 25,746
4) 2013 YTD - 20,098
Let's play Limbo -- "How Low Can You Go?" The Cleveland Indians in 2013, with an excellent team that is playing exciting baseball in a very nice, relatively new stadium - are averaging 16,149. Recently the M's recorded So the M's could easily lose an average of another 4,000 fans per game if they continue their losing ways and don't generate any buzz or excitement. Lincoln and Armstrong have presided over the decimation of the team's fan base. But hey, look at the plus side, there won't be any traffic jams in SODO and the Port of Seattle can move its trucks freely about without impediment from game-time traffic congestion. Look at those M's senior executives, always concerned about the public good......
IMO, this falling attendance, combined with the prospect that it could fall even further & the established difficulty of drawing fans back once they have lost interest, will force even Lincon and Armstrong to make some sort of move, any move just for the sake of appearances. Cutting off the heads of GMZ and Wedgie appear to me to be the only moves they can make, other than firing themselves, which appears unlikely to me - however pleasant the idea is to contemplate.
I personally see no scenario for GMZ and Wedgie to survive into 2014 unless the team wins > 80 games and ends the 2013 season on a positive note with reasonable expectations of play-off contention in 2014. And I am not even sure that 80 wins allows GMZ and Wedgie to survive if the team is completely out of even the possiblity of a wild card by June 2013 and the 80 wins are achieved by a long September win streak against AAA callups.

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