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glmuskie's picture

Five years in, and 2/5 of your starting rotation are bottom-of-the-barrel MLB placeholders. Five years in.
Five years in, and for the first time you have an offense that isn't an embarrassment. But that's about the best you can say for it.
Five years in, and you haven't been able to find a shortstop who can hit above .200.
Five years in, and your #1 draft pick from two years ago, the one that was the most MLB-ready coming out of college, has yet to sniff the big leagues
Five years in, and you've traded away 3 - count 'em - 3 top of the rotation starting pitchers, potential Cy young contenders. In return you got 2 hitting prospects who have struggled to hit league average, and a serviceable bullpen lefty.
Five years in, and you've failed to bring in any top-tier free agents that you've targeted.
Five years in, and attendance keeps dropping, the advertisements sound more hollow, the team is still trying to find a spine or fighting spirit...
You can analyze the various moves all you want, and justify each and every one of them. But all that really matters in the end is the results.
My emotional leash to Zduriencik is getting really, really short.

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