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Year 1 with the kids: "Hey look, Ackley came up and is hitting like gangbusters.  Smoak has been busted up so his line isn't reflective, but when he started the year healthy and before family tragedy, he was the best hitter on the team.  And that Seager kid is better than we thought.  We probably have the makings of something."
Year 2: "Hmm.  That's a lot of struggling going on.  Well, not so much Seager or Saunders, but everyone else.  Maybe we should have listened to Wedge and gotten some vets in here to hold up the middle of the order.  Somebody make a memo: this offseason, get vets.  That'll help the kids."
Year 3 (through May): "The vets are performing perfectly, but the kids still suck.  Well, not Seager and Saunders (who are those guys and where did they come from anyway?) but the others are all looking pretty whack.  Okay, send Montero down and get him off of Catcher so he can focus on hitting.  Send Ack too, we have that Franklin kid to replace him with.  Removing pressure didn't help, so now we need to make tthe environmental change. PS - somebody call Boras and let me know if he's still laughing when we ask about a Morales extension..."

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