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Wedge has a political position. Do you take Obama or Bush at their word, or do you wait to see what they do? While Wedge's talking points raise many fans ire, if you look at his full major league career, he helped launch the career of many players where patience was a key attribute to their performance. Why would Wedge be such a problem for Justin Smoak, when he stayed out of Travis Hafner's way? The blue chip M's recruits have failed to date for Wedge, as did Brandon Phillips in Cleveland -- but the list of successes is much longer and listed above.
As best as I can tell, Wedge and the staff he has assembled are mediocre coaches, Wedge greatly values fixed roles over situational substitution so he looks like a poor strategist, but I really think he manages the team's effort, focus, and attitude well. That is what a manager's first job is, to get the best effort and commitment out of his players and coaches.
At the end of the year, the M's will have to think long and hard about whether or not they replace both Wedge and Jack Z. But I see no reason to make a move now.

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