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RockiesJeff's picture

Dr, you are too kind. I don’t think I ever have anything that can expand on your good stuff! I will try to keep this short but a good topic. “Hitting the inside of the ball” is something that most younger players never learn because they want to pull it thinking they can hit it harder that way. It is just the opposite. By “hitting the inside of the ball” the batter is better able to keep key power angles intact through contact. Watch a really good hitter right at impact. For instance, a good right handed hitter will have their right forearm and the bat at a 90% angle. I love the comments of guys here who know their fundamentals of the mechanics. Golfers here will know of the important for consistency/distance of loading and lag. That creates power by leverage through the zone. Same in baseball as it is the same laws of physics. Further, by looking to pound the inside of the ball that batter can allow the pitch to travel further into the hitting zone rather than reaching out with arms extended too far. That actually loses power. A boxer doesn’t hit hard if his arms are 100% extended but has maximum power at about 60-70% of his extension so he can then hit through the opponent. Jeff, as you say, pulling your hands in keeps those angles and breeds power through the whole zone. How could Hogan rip a golf ball past guys who outweighed him by 75 pounds. It is right there. How can Franklin do the same? That….plus some extra meals at Chick fil a!!

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