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Mo', do you remember how Mattingly had that odd little "elevator shaft" motion with his hands?  He'd raise or lower his hands to the level of the pitch, and then fire the bat perpendicular to the ground.
Definitely an inside-half-of-the-ball hitter.  Couldn't agree more about the similarities.
Mattingly is a pretty small guy, hit 30 homers and 40-50 doubles in his prime.  Probably the kids here don't remember that Mattingly was accused of being the best player in baseball for about three or four years -- despite playing first base.
Donnie is quite a target for Franklin to shoot at.  How about "plus some walks" and "playing middle infield"
Yes, we're kidding, LrKrBoi29.  ;- )  A player is an All-Star after he is added to the roster; he is Don Mattingly after he wins an MVP.

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