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If Miller keeps hitting and keeps his errors down for a bit, and Ryan keeps clanking plays and slumps, I think we see Miller on the next round with Erasmo, with Triunfel getting packaged with the departing starter. Miller can play 2B and 3B as well as SS, after all, and if they put him in at SS and he does a Franklin/Zunino, then he stays there, at least 'til something better comes along. Otherwise, if he hits even a bit, he's Andino/Triunfel Mk III. If Romero keeps it up, and depending on how Smoak does, I think Liddi will be the next to go down, but I think Thames or Peguero is DFAd if Liddi or one of them can't be traded. Romero will become the backup IF/OF on the 40-man, even if he gets bonus miles on I-5. If Ackley succeeds at LF/CF (and I think he will), then maybe Romero stays down 'til September, but I still think he gets a 40-man spot sooner than later.
In any case, I stand by my earlier prediction that the Ms will play this both for performance AND marketing - a new (or returning) face every couple of weeks (Erasmo, Hultzen, Maurer, in this, too) until in September they're either competitive or playing a team of exciting young players with no one over 33 - Morse, Morales, 'Kuma, and Perez as the grizzled vets, which leads to their marketing plan for 2014.
I can see the Copacino+Fujikado commercial now - Morse comes into the on deck circle using a walker, then steps to the plate and hits the ball 500'; Then Perez comes in from the bullpen on a HoverRound, gets up and starts cross-firing at 96mph. The kids stand around and go WOW!

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