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The only thing I've published is a novella I wrote in my brother's series, the Spineward Sectors. But there's a method to my madness ;) I'm going to launch four novels (~500,000 words) and about that much more content in novellas, short stories and such simultaneously so I can take advantage of whatever momentum I manage to build up on the front end. Plus, the marketplace is really tough on first offerings; I figure having all four books of the series ready to go will encourage as much business as I'm liable to get.
Also, I round on content -- I'm actually penning, literally speaking, my third and fourth novels right now, but I've already written like seven novellas which are about a third of a book each. It gets really agonizing having to wait on...well, on myself to finish before I get some feedback, hahaha.
And yeah, last I checked on PayPal they didn't have a micro-friendly option and the per-transaction was around that price point, but it's been a year or two since I perused their fee structure., the biggest indie e-publisher, charges almost exactly $0.35 to publish a $0.99 novel/novella, and most of their competitors are in the same ballpark. I assume it's just an industry-wide standard number for debit/credit transactions.

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