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I've always thought that at least some of Wilson's football ability comes from... baseball. That backhand flip to Marshawn for the TD? Second baseman charging a grounder and flipping to the SS to start a double play. His ability to throw on the run accurately without the usual square the shoulders and get your body in the correct position? Again, a second baseman going after a ground ball with a fast batter, making the throw from any weird kind of arm angle he can manage and still get it to where the first baseman can get a glove on it and stay on the bag. Wilson himself has said in interviews that the time he spent in a professional baseball locker room, with people of various ages, personalities and skill levels was instrumental in his development as a teammate and locker room leader.
Parcells is right (no surprise there). If you wrote up a list of the 25 things you absolutely wanted in a franchise QB, Wilson checks off 24 of the boxes. The only one he doesn't, of course, is height.

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