You have a ver legit point. To me, Gray just seems newer and therefore sexier. It's just like comparing Price to Felix. In their actual production, Price is about a half-step below, is a year older and found his current long-sustained level of production a calendar year later. However, because he had been in the league all of one full season before that, he's a bigger thing in the national media than Felix was the year before because he'd been in the league for 3.5 seasons already.
In comparing Pax to Gray you have a kid that had been K/9'ing between 9-13 at every level versus the "great-looking stuff, meh-resulting K-results" guy who exploded in AAA in 2013. Since Gray seemed to come out of nowhere, he's sexier.
On top of that, you probably have some of the issue of guys like Walker and Hultzen over-shadowing Paxton's own outstanding-ness.
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