Dude can swing. He's got the Edgar wait for the ball to get to him and show him the break, but his swing is greedier than Gars. Not in a bad way, but Edgar would only ever take what was given to him. Peterson has a chip on his shoulder and wants more glory, so he forces the issue more. So he won't walk like Gar, who allowed it and encouraged it. DJ is more aggressive. It'll get him in trouble in the beginning - scouts knocked him for diving into the plate for balls he should let go and live to fight another day against. Thome was a diver, tho - didn't hurt him.
DJ has loads of potential at third, first or the outfield. I hope we don't rush him too much, but we are gonna need to get him to a fail position so he can tell what to dive at and what not to. But watching him in college I never understood the park argument against him. His swing will play anywhere. Looking forward to seeing it in safeco soon.
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