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as arrogant and smug. "It's very comforting to the closed-minded". Yuck. Apparently you have access to truths and open mindedness that Carl Sagan never did. Congrats.
I try really hard to curtail animosity, but when you say things like that, it just makes people like me throw up. You aren't writing specifically to the people that think like you. You are writing on the internet. If you don't like provocation and you only try to promote "clean, honest respectful dialogue" as I've heard you and others parrot, then why write something like that?
Either stick to baseball (where your writing is entertaining and usually good for debate) or expect some people to find things you say offensive and tell you exactly why.
If you are looking for scintillating philosophical debate, just go to youtube. Hitchens vs. anybody is really fun. Dawkins vs.Lennox is good. Harris vs Craig is good. If you are having trouble finding interesting debates, you aren't looking very hard.

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