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While I think I am like a lot of fans that feel this season is just giving me a real uneasy feeling... I do not know how you can not vote for ALLLLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE!!!!!!
I mean we have survived an 8 game losing streak (although I do believe another one is coming), numerous pitcher injuries that went right at the core of all hope by getting the Cyberus, multiple players unable to hit their own weight where again the players most affected were aimed at our core guys for the future, questionable tactics of motivation by the manager at best / playing favorites against certain players who many of us feel deserved more credibility to start, and a monumental travel schedule with minimal days off.... and yet with all that... we are at .500
We have survived!!! and there are many lights at the end of the tunnel quickly approaching. There should be HOPE.
So again I vote that this season is alive!!!
PS - I still do have a feeling that something else is going to go wrong... but that must be the OLD Mariner fan in me.

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