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Matt says, "...that the Mariners had been the unluckiest team in baseball EVERY. SINGLE. YEAR. since record keeping began for this sort of thing (2008)."
When you have 30 teams, it says something to be unlucky 1 season. If it's random, is it what? 1 in 900 to be THE unluckiest 2 seasons in a row? THE unluckiest from 2008-2012, if it's truly random, comes out to a 1 in 24,300,000. And they're on pace to do it again? That would be 1 in 729,000,000. Doesn't pass the sniff test.
Every time I bring up some new thing of why my beloved team is on the wrong end of the luck spectrum, my wife rolls her eyes...understandably so. Because it is not reasonable to believe odds like that without some other factor. There is something else at work here. We just don't know what that something else is.
Not impugning your idea here Matt...your revelation actually suggests there is something VERY wrong with the Mariner Organization and their hitting...simply because it's not reasonable to believe that luck would account for 5 seasons in a row. Is there any other team that appears non-random in any way? It would be cool to look at how other teams populate that list every year...

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