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Auto5guy's picture
The Music Genome Project(link posted above) has changed how most people become exposed to new music. Less and less people listen to music on the radio, preferring instead to stream it. Pandora being one of the biggies for that, and at its core Pandora uses the Music Genome Project.
Even most people who do listen to top 40 dislike a good number of songs played but listen through them to hear what they like. With Pandora that's gone. Creating you own channels you never really get exposed to what you don't want. New stuff is mixed in but it is tailored to be what you already are predisposed to like.
Another change is in how the music itself is made. Heard an interview on the radio with Sir Mix a Lot. When he was asked about changes in the music industry over the course of his career he pointed to the massive increase of commercial grade music editing software available to anyone. Albums no longer need expensive studio time and can be made with a fraction of the upfront costs. He said that much smaller selling albums can now set an artist financially for life.
Think about the effect that has on the artists. Instead of trying to write the next "Thriller" They can focus on making what they are passionate for and still stand a chance to be financially wealthy.
BTW Spec, how can you throw up a list of music like that and not include the Black Keys? Edit maybe?... please.

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