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LT M.J. - looks like someone I occasionally ate with in the "dirty shirt" wardroom when my guys would be working on machinery. I was a LCDR - the senior principal assistant and senior technical assistant to the Reactor Officer for reactor/propulsion/auxiliaries maintenance and one of the PDOs/EOOWs.
I remember that Homecoming well, also. I had to shutdown and cool down the Reactors before I could leave (the Reactor Officer, a CAPT, got the first few nights off ;-) ) but nine months later my wife presented me with a "Desert Stork" daughter who is a senior in college this year. Over 10,000 men arrived back in Puget Sound that week to Bremerton, Bangor, Whidbey, Ft. Lewis, McChord, etc. and there was a definite mini-baby-boom as a result!

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