Seattle 5, Oakland 2 - The Winning Run

Behind Brett Anderson, the Oakland A's woulda beaten up most MLB teams Saturday night.  Unfortunately for them, they messed with the wrong Marines.


=== The 3rd Run ===

9th inning, score tied 2-2, and the A's now running with their third ace short reliever of the evening.  (The Oakland A's had the best ERA in the league last year, by far.  When you go through 20 pitchers and they all average a 116 ERA+, that is impressive.)

Tie game, two on, 1 out, LH Ichiro up, and LHP Brian Fuentes on the mound.  

Fuentes has 72 saves the last two years, almost 200 saves on his career, and is possessor of one of the big leagues' few true Frisbee breaking pitches.


Ichiro hit one softly to the first baseman Barton, who threw wild home, and Jack Wilson scored.  

This play will presumably go down as another one the A's botched, and that's what it looked like.  Problem is, that's not what occurred.


With two strikes on Ichiro (IIRC), Fuentes threw one of his best Frisbees.  And it was in a murderous location:  breaking inside, inside, insiiiiiide the strike zone .... until well after the swing was underway ...  but then finishing six inches outside, shin high.

Fuentes can't throw a better pitch, period.

I cannot imagine that ANY other left hand hitter makes contact, up to and including Ted Williams, but .... Ichiro bent over, pepper-swung with his lead arm, and impossibly squared the ball up.  He might as well have been hitting a pitch on the bounce.

The Mariners put that strikeout pitch in play when no other team in baseball would have done so (lefthanded), and it rolled toward Daric Barton.


Barton is an ex-catcher who had a UZR rating of +14 last season; he and Ike Davis had 3x the UZR of any other first basemen in baseball.   

As Barton fielded the ball, he saw the second baseman Ellis out of his peripheral vision.  Ellis was about 40 feet from the bag as Ichiro was 55 feet away and slamming the stick into fifth gear.  

Ellis is not a wide receiver in the West Coast offense, and he's not going to be able to receive a 3-4 assist as if he were Wesley Welker going over the middle.


Of course, Barton can't force Olivo at second; Ellis is breaking for 1B, and the SS is nowhere in the vicinity.

Barton, dismayed that the A's were losing the ballgame on this play, did the only thing with the ball available - throw home.  It was hopeless - Jack Wilson was almost beginning his slide.  Barton hurried his throw home and missed by a couple of yards.  This left the superficial impression that the play was about bad defense.

True, the missed throw did allow Olivo to take 3B, but that wasn't the key to the victory for the Mariners.  The A's were never to tie the game again, anyway.


And then the A's slumped and their chests collapsed, after the Mariners hit them in the face with a sock full of nickels.  

On the next play, career closer Brian Fuentes, who has faced much scarier game situations, threw a wild pitch and Olivo scored.   And the rest of the game was an M's celebration.  Way to fight back, there, Bay Bros.  You're gonna need to show more than that.





OBF's picture

That run was scoring with or without a perfect throw, and in fact Ichiro was going to get to firstbase safely regardless as well, hence the reason the official scorer gave him the base hit and RBI.  Incidently that base hit sent Ichiro past the great Edgar for the all time mariner lead in base hits.  Which is totally amazing to me.  Exactly 10 years and 2 games, for Ichiro to catch and pass a HOFer in hits that took 18 years to get there.  Ichiro is amazing.  First Ballot HOF if ever there was one (of course Edgar should have been first ballot as well, but that is a different argument for a different day, GO ICHIRO!).
On a different note, how nervous does this M's bullpen make you?  I sure wish Wedge would have gone with Lueke before Ray.  We were lucky to get out of that Ray inning only tied instead of way behind!

OBF's picture

Oh also, I have been QUITE impressed with Olivo so far.  With how bad he was as a youngster here, I was upset when we signed him, but it is nice having a consistent steady veteren back there behind the dish, and he has really matured as a hitter.  A very nice pinch hit today and he is much faster than I was expecting.  Got from 1st to third very quickly on that Ichiro infield hit to be in position to score a very important insurance run (especially with opur bullpen).  Cust might have been thrown out at second on that play after susuki gets up from laying out for the errant throw from Barton :)


But am seeing some signs of them crawling out of the coffin.
Tonight Vargas came out nice and early, after 6.2, so kudos to Wedge for not violating the 28th Hitter Rule.
But I'm thinking, 2.1 IP and you're up 2-1 ... even a great bullpen, that would be asking a lot.  ... this pen can afford to blow a few games, but ...
Biggest question is throwing strikes, and they have a few guys who can do that, notably Wright and Lueke.  So the comfort meter is advancing from 2 to, say, 4 ...
Aardsma's supposed to be back soon, and League's capable of being a legit setup guy.  If those two are good, they'll be able to pick-and-choose a coupla other guys.
So, much more cautiously optimistic that they'll be "nervously adequate" than I was in spring.

ghost's picture

You might be tempted to look at today's box score and see horrid numbers from Lueke...but I think it was probably just butterflies.  Hopefully he'll get 'em next time.

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