Baker, Seattle, and Prime Time Bab-Eh (2)

2.  There was a time, 1970's maybe early '80's, when Steve Rudman and Art Thiel would simply write up the truth and publish it in the local newspapers the next day.  I thought that was cool, even then.  But most of the time, the readers don't give much -- or any! -- credit for the risk and sacrifice that is incurred.

Just for starters, you don't get to be Ken Griffey Jr's pal when you're more worried about your readers than the people you're covering.

The primary motivation isn't "getting a reputation" so a writer can be promoted.  Uncomfortable writing tends to cost a guy like Baker more support than it gains them.

Rudman, Thiel, Baker, guys like that sacrifice their work environments for you.


3.  Baker will be off to ESPN or CNNSI very soon (he's photogenic and likeable as well as hyper-competent).  My guess is that he'll cover the Mariners for one more year, so you have that long to get the truth about them.  Enjoy.


3.  It's interesting that Baker is willing to call his peers out, revealing their small-minded resentment of his crazy-popular video blogging.

This is a guy who has walked around locker rooms with big men who might punch at any moment.  Whether a writer on the next stool over, gives him the silent treatment, doesn't blip very bright on his radar.

Why it is, that fans don't buy a writer like that a sody pop, I dunno...


4.  I don't mind so much when a young American gets rolling into his career and then feels entitled to nice pay for not-very-hard work.

I do mind it, very much, when that young American resents an Asian, or a Canadian, or a Romanian, who comes over here and wants to excel -- merely because it creates the possibility that the American will then have to perform well, too.

That is what was going on with Ichiro during the Beltre-Silva-Hargrove era.  SSI will side against the Ugly American, and with the Ambitious Guy, every time.

There are some things, you don't care what it costs, you don't care who doesn't like you - it's a matter of principle.  Death to American Entitlement.  You resent a guy for working harder than you and being better than you?, then you deserve any and all pain that you incur as a result.  We mean it in a good way.


5.  The part about insisting that he secure his Green Card before asking his lass' hand in marriage?  Throwback to the Age of Chivalry, Geoff.  :cpoints:

From what we got off his video blog, Geoff's fiancee has quite the career herself, though.  What does she do next year, when Baker gets the big offer in New York?  :- )

We should all have such problemos...





Just for starters, you don't get to be Ken Griffey Jr's pal when you're more worried about your readers than the people you're covering.
The primary motivation isn't "getting a reputation" so a writer can be promoted.  Uncomfortable writing tends to cost a guy like Baker more support than it gains them.

Rem Acu Tetigisti! 
It's akin, I suppose, to a tightrope walker.  That which pleases the crowd and secures the popularity necessary to profit thereby -- is also precisely that which is most hazardous to one's own health.  
This is not to equate 'pleasing the crowd' with false reporting or the negative sense of 'muckraking'.  A tightrope walker is, in truth, at hazard when he takes a step -- simply because that is the nature of his chosen profession -- he is defying gravity to his peril (especially when inclement weather is at hand).  So also is a reporter, when he brings truth to light that others find uncomfortable, or would wish to remain in darkness.  He is at risk of stirring up a storm of reactive discontent in both the subject of his revelation, and the reader who identifies most strongly with that subject.
Gravity, like the negative aspect of human nature, is consistent.  I have a healthy fear of both.


Had to look it up.  :- )  My pig latin didn't cover it.  Another attorney with us, perhaps?  Thanks though... maybe I can talk my boss into changing the URL to a worthy goal, at least...
Interesting point about daredevils.  It's precisely the risk that entertains the crowd, and in geometric proportion...
What if the crowd doesn't realize the risk, however, and hoots and jeers when you do a somersault on the rope?  :- )


If he doesn't have a national gig in a year or two, I'll hop down Royal Brougham on one foot with a Casey Kotchman jersey on...

RockiesJeff's picture

I'd come home just to see! Do you remember when Cliff McCrath (SPU soccer coach from long ago) crawled and had his mustache shaved?
Good comments all. I think least my 2 devalued cents, you can be an expert sailor but sometimes it is not all bad to stay a little closer to shore. You don't have to prove something each time out.
How about the Rockies turning Holliday into long term Gonzalez? Hope that the M's can do the same in years ahead!

glmuskie's picture

A national gig wouldn't surprise me, but I think it won't be espn.  Baker has the smarts, the knowledge, the drive, but needs to add a bit of levity and a smile to his work.  Espn seems to value this.
Sports journalism is entertainment.  A lot of the national guys have a certain humor about them that is entertaining.  I don't get a similar sense of fun or amusement from Baker.  Which certainly doesn't mean he won't be successful on a national level.  But the lack of it, I don't think it helps him. 


Let's hope that Smoak turns out to be that deal for us... after some of Capt Jack's heists, he's going to have a hard time suckering anybody else into giving up a top-10-in-the-minors talent, unless he's offering up Felix...
Certainly I will take Justin Smoak, present day, over the Carlos Gonzalez that arrived in Colorado back in 2008...


Good comments all. I think least my 2 devalued cents, you can be an expert sailor but sometimes it is not all bad to stay a little closer to shore. You don't have to prove something each time out.

As in, maybe he presses a little too hard?
Definitely has had the pedal to the metal, though his reasons have been given... will be interesting to see whether, now that he has his visa, there will be any change in style...

RockiesJeff's picture

Good point Jeff. Smoak looked to finish the year with better plate discipline. Gonzalez is a stud. When he first came via Holliday, everyone looked at Street and Smith because Rockies needed pitching. I never pictured Gonzalez with surplus of power. Hope it turns out as well with Smoak!

RockiesJeff's picture

Sometimes it is wise to know audience for good or bad. That doesn't need to necessitate passiveness but also knows which battles are worthy to be fought and how much to put into them.
No worries either way...enjoy this blog and with limited time, the diversity but yet positive threads. So look forward to the new season! Thanks Jeff for all that goes on here.

misterjonez's picture

But looking at his eye ratios and minor league performances, Adam Jones is actually kinda close to his statlines and schedule.  Both are in hitters parks, but CarGo blossomed while Jones has kinda stalled out.
CarGo did have a ridiculous home/road split last year, but I'm beginning to think that aside from parks like Fenway or pre-humidor Mile High (where a given skill can be outrageously crutched), most of that ends up being noise.  Good hitters are good hitters, and they can adapt to a new environment.

RockiesJeff's picture

Well spoken MrJonez! I am surprised that Tulo has hit HRs while he has kept his average up. Tulo's first year started slow at the plate and finished with a great year. His sophmore started awful and never got better. Lost and frustrated for much of the year. I mention as it is a good reminded as hopefully the Ms bring up some good young players. Patience will be rewarded.
And Cargo did not get away with cheap homers at Coors. Some of his blasts shocked me at how strong he has been. I imagine most scouts early on had him as gap power because he never had the 5 tool season in the minors outside of the Cal League.
You said it...good hitters are good hitters. Let them hit!

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