M's 4 ...

=== Adam Moore ===

No sooner does SSI bury Moore, for his 2:18 EYE pallor, ochre skin tone, and general inability to fog a mirror...  than Don Wakamatsu signals Moore's priority over Johnson ... and then Moore crawls out of the coffin to deliver one of the season's great offensive displays.

First at-bat, Moore cracked a pitch to deep right-center and Neihaus said, annoyed-ly, "and pops the ball up" [camera cuts to outfielders screaming madly after the ball] "and Zobrist under it" [ball slams off the wall higher than the 370 sign] "and ...THAT WILL BE OFF THE WALL!"

By five feet, Moore missed a two-homer day, both of those homers going to opposite power alley.  The second one was impressive, a Johnny Bench-like thrust of the thighs and waist into a Heisman Trophy-kind of pose.

There aren't many Mariners physically capable of crushing two pitches like that the opposite way, and it's a reminder that Adam Moore may make a lot of money some day.

A high, crashing double just short of a home run ... an actual home run ... AND a smoking line drive to Evan Longoria that, 75% of the time, is a long single or long double.  Three different thundering hits* tonight.


Wakamatsu implied in the preview -- before Moore chugged the pre-game No-Doz and went yard -- that he wants Moore to win the job. 

The job's still open, sez Wok -- "We're trying to see who will step up" -- and "who can catch the ball and block the balls the best will get the most playing time."  LOL.  If you just joined us, Rob Johnson is playing with a vintage-1902 pillow mitt.

Remember, Wakamatsu is a very fine judge of talent.  Just for instance, he was the man who had his eye on Doogie come 8.00 spring ERA's what may.

Construe Wok's enthusiasm for Moore as a large piece of evidence that Moore is a blue-chipper.


=== Mike Sweeney ===

Got a fastball four inches outside, moved his head twelve inches outside, and yanked a fastball over the left field fence.

On the postgame, was asked where the team was getting its power.  "From our love for Ken Griffey Jr.," he said intensely, momentarily causing the reporter an on-camera re-boot.

But what pitch did you get, smiled the reporter, or something.  "A pitch for Ken Griffey Jr.," Sweeney said, offering to fight the reporter.  Well, no. Sweeney did go on to say that it "felt weird" Junior not being in the lineup, etc etc.

Where is this going?  Wok is apparently ready to go with Sweeney at least 50% of the time.  "We're looking at the best matchup from day-to-day.  We'll go with what gives us the best opportunity to win the game."


A lot of people confuse Wakamatsu's calmness with weakness.  Still waters run deep, grasshopper.  This is the guy who called Felix Hernandez out in Wok's second month as a big league manager. 

We're optimistic that Wok has what it takes to make the right calls at DH, but that won't be an easy thing whatsoever.  Have you ever benched a 630-homer superstar?


Sweeney hit what, 300/370/500 or something second half last year, and this year?  His swing looks great to me.  It really does.  He hasn't had a chance to groove in.

You wouldn't win because of a 100-115 OPS+ from Sweeney, but you could win with it, and that's a step up from trying to win despite the DH.


Griff?  Like Baker says.  Chuck Armstrong wants to see Griffey in the playoffs in Safeco, and that's cool, but why not as a role player?  If he gets hot later on, ride him.  Right now, Mike Sweeney is an interesting wild card in this deck.


Keep the yard work comin',

Dr D



...the fact that the Mariner offense got rolling with the addition of a few new bodies does indeed suggest that the team was just pressing.  Maybe when Parker Brothers gets back, the rest of the line-up will have relaxed enough to keep the pressure off of him and he can start hitting for fun and profit.

glmuskie's picture

Twice.  Once at the description of Niehaus' double call, and once at the TV reporter's 're-boot'.  : )  Gracias.
Seems like the blogosphere is always clamoring for a move a coupla three weeks before this org takes action.  Some blog wanted Langerhans, a couple weeks later there he is.  Internet denizens shrieking about RJ's passed balls, 20 days later Wak is benching him and telling the media he's going to go with the catcher who can catch the ball.  Etc.
Most M's fan of the keyboard-jockey variety would probably see this as a vindication of their savvy.  Sure, it indicates an alertness and astuteness which is admirable.  But like Z says, he sees the same things everyone else sees.  It's not like it's rocket science to see that KGJ is popping out to short with alarming regularity.
More, it indicates to me the sophistication of the org.  They act decisively, in a timely manner, but *with patience*.  This is a big key to leadership IMO.  The M's are adapting to the circumstances, but they are not knee-jerk reactions.
The M's are shaping in to an org that is like the A's in its agility, but with a bit more maturity - patience - and a lot more money.  Dassa good recipe.


Is precisely what is going to allow the M's to chest-massage their lineup into a pulse again... c-points...


Sometimes you watch a basketball team react to a full-court press by throwing a bunch of balls out of bounds and hoisting wild shots.
You might as well tell me that team isn't pressing, as tell me the M's haven't been.

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