Seattle hockey viewing parties
Hey all, I am trying to reach as many Seattle hockey fans as possible, and more specifically any Washington Capitals fans living in Seattle. As you probably know, the playoffs are upon us and there are going to be some viewing parties in Seattle for as many Capitals games as we can organize.
So if you are a Caps fan in Seattle, or just someone wanting to watch good hockey with other fans, drop me an email at, and I will let you know what the details are.


Ballard Loft's picture

The Ballard Loft in Seattle has been featuring Hockey for 3 years now and our Hockey base is growing. Come to the Loft, where we carry any game you want on 14 flatscreen TVs and an 84in Monster Screen. Come rally around all the other Hockey fans of the city and get a true Stadium like experience. Wed is our dedicated Hockey Night in Ballard where we tune all the TVs in to NHL [beverages list redacted- DrD] ... See you for the Playoffs.

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