Chat: 8/20/15 4:09am
Chat: 8/20/15 4:09am
<p>Why on earth would Nintendo America sell? Even as pathetic as they are, the #Seattle Mariners Baseball Club is nice to have in the corporate portfolio.</p>
<div class="indented">Reply - mickiholley - 11/1/15 6:55am<br>makes you wonder</div>
<p>As a backup plan, may I suggest that Chris Hansen buys the team. Boom, done.</p>
<div class="indented">Reply - mickiholley - 11/1/15 6:55am<br>haha...good plan</div>
<p>Dombrowski in as President in #Boston, and Cherington steps down. What about Cherington as GM here in #Seattle? Another great chance for him to take a talent pyramid and win a world series, just like he did when Theo left. Eh?</p>
<div class="indented">Reply - mickiholley - 11/1/15 6:56am<br>interesting concept</div>
<p>Quote from Jack in Shannon Drayer's latest post:</p>
<p>"My job is to do my job every day," he said.</p>
<p>Now that's some circular logic for ya.</p>
<div class="indented">Reply - mickiholley - 11/1/15 6:56am<br>talk about not talking about issues or taking responsibility</div>
<p>These slogan ideas are coming fast and furious. </p>
<p>Your #Seattle Mariners. Doing It Wrong For Forty Years.</p>
<div class="indented">Reply - mickiholley - 11/1/15 6:57am<br>LOVE IT! Truth in advertising is a good thing</div>
<p>If Towers and Williams are on your short list, you are doing it wrong.</p>
<div class="indented">Reply - mickiholley - 11/1/15 6:58am<br>should not be on any short least not right now</div>
<p>Ooh..goodie! Kevin Towers! The man who had fans in #San_Diego chanting "FIRE TOWERS!" during the games! I'm excited about that...aren't you folks?</p>
<div class="indented">Reply - mickiholley - 11/1/15 6:58am<br>is that a little bit of sarcasm there...</div>
<p>Hi Benihana. You and I been preachin' the same thing now for fifteen years and counting.</p>
<div class="indented">Reply - mickiholley - 11/1/15 6:58am<br>preaching to the choir here...</div>
<p>Why #Lincoln again? Judging from the identified candidates it sure APPEARS it's again up to ol' Howard ol' buddy ol' boy. Why? Just my take, but to me it is continued evidence that power, privilege and finance trump all other considerations in Marinersville. In short, power #Politics. #Lincoln's hands are not yet cold and dead (a not so subtle NRA metaphor).</p>
<div class="indented">Reply - mickiholley - 11/1/15 6:59am<br>that is not a new thing...seems to be how it has always been and without drastic changes, how it will remain</div>
<p>This is Benihana (to put my name on these comments) - but since they refused to get Lou another bat in 2001, I've been saying that Chuck and Howie's corporate tendencies - the fact that they are suits not warriors - spelled doom. A nice night out at the ballpark? I guess I get what I deserve since I keep signing up for this torture, but dang it, can we please, please, please get new local ownership! Someone who gives a crap about winning!</p>
<div class="indented">Reply - mickiholley - 11/1/15 7:00am<br>someone who cares and wants to see the team win...what a novel idea!</div>
<p>Dombrowski would've excited me. But who can blame him for going to #Boston? Still, I wish #Lincoln/Mather would've gone after him the same way the franchise went after Cano, promising him THE MOON! If indeed Zduriencik is gone, and I hope so, this hire is way more important than signing Cano. Any number of qualified guys could have helped the temporarily challenged Red Sox. There's probably not many qualified to step into the absolute muck in #Seattle and clean things up. I don't feel the need to figure out who those guys might be. That's #Lincoln's job. Figure he's UP to it? Neither do I.</p>
<div class="indented">Reply - mickiholley - 11/1/15 7:01am<br>it will be an interesting off-season</div>
<p>So why does Howard #Lincoln get another chance to make the same bad decision? How many times?</p>
<div class="indented">Reply - mickiholley - 11/1/15 7:01am<br>countless times...</div>
<p>Imagine how that would go over with your boss. "Gee, boss, I KNOW things aren't going well at all in my department. But I made all the right decisions. It's all those people I hired. THEIR fault, don'tcha SEE?!</p>
<div class="indented">Reply - mickiholley - 11/1/15 7:01am<br>pass the buck...if only it worked everywhere else...</div>
<p>Let's just say Kevin Towers record does not excite me. Williams' isn't much better than Jack, who keeps saying after seven years that it's the players fault (he came right out and said it in July 30th, and he just said it again for the record - <a href=" target="_parent">http://www.thenewstr...</a> ). I simply don't get that. One year, maybe. But this is a mantra for Zduriencik. If the team underachieves, which it has over his entire tenure, apparently he brought in all the right guys, but the right guys he brought in just happened to underachived...every time. Go figure.</p>
<div class="indented">Reply - mickiholley - 11/1/15 7:02am<br>Towers is not what everyone hypes him up to be</div>
<p>Daddy0 - so adding Kevin Towers to Kenny Williams - does that make you feel better or worse? Gotta ditch the guy at the top before we expect any difference in results.</p>
<p>Apparently not such a done deal. Nightengale also tweets that Kevin Towers is in the running.<br /><a href="" target="_parent"></a></p>
<div class="indented">Reply - mickiholley - 11/1/15 7:02am<br>not a great choice</div>
<p>I should clarify that when I suggest below that Nightengale's material smacks of a position already being offered to Williams by #Seattle, I mean informally. Of COURSE it has not been formally offered. I may be dumb, but I'm not stupid. Okay, I may be stupid, but I'm not THAT stupid. :)</p>
<div class="indented">Reply - mickiholley - 11/1/15 7:03am<br>at least you admit it...isn't that the first step...BUT no, you are in no way stupid!</div>
<p>If we hire Williams, I'm going to start a letter-writing campaign.</p>
<div class="indented">Reply - mickiholley - 11/1/15 7:03am<br>I will gladly help!</div>
<p>If you read the Nightengale material Ice linked us to it sounds an awful lot like Williams is likely already a done deal, the only exception being if Williams decides instead to opt for #Toronto. In other words, the M's have offered the position to Williams. The only potential holdup is on Williams' end. I...can' Perhaps the new M's motto is, "Embrace Mediocrity-- It Feels Good!"</p>
<div class="indented">Reply - mickiholley - 11/1/15 7:05am<br>about sums it up</div>
<p>So many better guys than Williams but he's the kind of guy that would make the committee feel good.</p>
<div class="indented">Reply - mickiholley - 11/1/15 7:04am<br>and we all know it is about making the committee feel good...</div>
<p>Also...Hahn is the brains of that outfit, not Williams.</p>
<div class="indented">Reply - mickiholley - 11/1/15 7:04am<br>Willimas is a bit of a dunce in my opinion</div>
<p>See, this is my fear. That the Mariners simply HAVE NOT GOT A CLUE. Kenny Williams?! He may be a bit better than Zduriencik, but the White Sox haven't been to the postseason in nearly seven years. I guess seven is better than fifteen, but...REALLY?!</p>
<div class="indented">Reply - mickiholley - 11/1/15 7:05am<br>have they ever really had a clue?</div>
<p>Ken Williams is terribly stupid. Not in the absolute sense, obviously, but he's an old-school baseball #Moron.</p>
<div class="indented">Reply - mickiholley - 11/1/15 7:06am<br>total Moron! I think I feel a little ill just thinking about it</div>
<p>Nightengale suggests that the M's will go after Kenny Williams of the White Sox... <a href=" target="_parent">http://www.usatoday....</a></p>
<p>What thinks you, crowd?</p>
<div class="indented">Reply - mickiholley - 11/1/15 7:06am<br>NOOOOOOOO!!! He is an idiot</div>