Replace the Hitting Coach? Another Outstanding Move - 2

=== CRUNCH2 === 

SSI contends that this is exactly one of the things that America loves most about sports:  there is a black and a white.  There is a W and a L.  There is a judgment day -- it happens on the scoreboard, it happens on the 25-man cutdown, it happens on the 1-2 slider.

Sports aren't like the K-12 educational system.  Sports don't exist for the purpose of being fair to the employees.  ::coughjarrodcough:: Sports are based on complete lack of bias -- sports impose accountability without condition.  The thrill of working without a 7-second delay is part of the rush.

You do not beg the sun for mercy - Fremen proverb


America argues a lot about what's fair and when and to whom.  In sports we don't argue about that.  The hitter swings and the ball goes over the fence or into the catcher's mitt.

Is it fair that Lookout Landing gets 10,000 readers a day (or whatever) and some other blog, with authors almost as good, gets 50 readers a day?  It's not about fair.  It's about traffic.  LIFE hands out the grades.

Zduriencik's own job is on the line, in turn.  Behold how fast an infallible man can suddenly find himself backing slowly away from a mob angry with his every call!  :- )


Is Alan Cockrell's pink slip "fair" or "unfair"?  The question is not relevant.  Is it "fair" or "unfair" that Luke French isn't quite as good as Doug Fister, so he rides busses while Fister flies luxury?  Do you ever worry about that?


=== CRUNCH3 ===

Don't sweat Alan Cockrell's place in the game.  He's got a lot better baseball career ahead of him than you or I do.  :- )  Alan will land on his feet.

In the meantime, in firing Eric Byrnes and Matt Tuiasosopo and Alan Cockrell and, shortly, Ken Griffey Jr. and Mike Sweeney if they don't start hitting ... Jack Zduriencik continues to send the message that sports aren't about fair.  They're about results.

It's one of the great thrills about sports:  they're working without a net out there.


Emanuel Lasker, world chess champion 1894-1921 on his predecessor:

In Paul Morphy the spirit of La Bourdonnais had arisen anew, only more vigorous, firmer, prouder.

He never formed columns of Pawns for the purpose of [slowly] assaulting a firm position as Philidor had taught, he always fought in the centre [toe-to-toe], only a few Pawns in front, and if he needed the lines open, he sacrificed even these few advanced posts.

Morphy’s pieces occupied the gaps in the oncoming mass of Pawns and opened up an attack, so as to leave the enemy no time for slow, methodical maneuvering.

Paul Morphy fought; on good days and on bad days, he loved the contest, the hard, sharp, just struggle, which despises petted favourites and breeds heroes.


=== CRUNCH4 === 

Whether you like the Mariners' offense or not -- and SSI was the blog that liked it the least! -- we all agree that this offense has been wayyyyyyyy underperforming.

This offense is capable of an 85-100 OPS+, without any additions at all beyond Bradley's return.  With the pitching it has in place, a few weeks' worth of a 110 OPS+ spike could result in a 15-3 run.

Replacing Cockrell -- because of Powell's different light bulbs; the tennis-coach emotional synergy; and the accountability message sent  -- might very well slap the team's face out of its slump. 

I'll be interested to see.  SSI will be watching this, and if the M's score 50 runs in their next ten games, I'll be glad to consider the possibility that Zduriencik's decision sparked it.


SSI also loves that this move occurred after game 30, rather than after game 80.  That's Jack Zduriencik for you.  He speaks softly and he carries one humongous stick.


=== CRUNCH5 ===

Oh, and the M's should emphasize that they are "replacing," not firing, the coach.  That's important.



Dr D


Lonnie of MC's picture

In my opinion, a hitting or pitching coach has two and only two jobs.  The first and most critical is to help the players maintain their career averages.  Not teach, or retool.  That is for the coaches at the lower levels.
The second job both of these coaches have is to be there to be fired when a statement move is needed by the organization.

TAD's picture

Typical stage gate approach to solving a problem, start small with the least amount of risk (financial investment) and then proceed from there.
Although the guy may have been a great coach as Doc is stated if a hitter is struggling as much as the M's hitters are it's human nature to begin to doubt the advice being given from the coach.  If he wasn't fired he would have lost the trust of his team anyway.
I'm still a little perplexed as to why Wak continues to run Griffey out when Sweeney is a viable but virturally untried option, or do something about the 1B situation, or even swap Figgins and Ichiro in the order (Figgins has only shown the propensity to walk this season and has not been able to hit at all).  For the good of the team Wak needs to modify his belief system to do more than charge the same people onto the field expecting different results - that insanity.

glmuskie's picture

You read this one right, Doc.  Geoff Baker's take on this move is way off line, IMO.
As much as this FO gets lauded, I think people seriously underestimate how capable and decisive and effective Zduriencik really is.  The latest testament is the Cockrell move.  The recent rumblings about a FO move on Griffey is further evidence.  Sit back kiddies and enjoy the show, Z is schooling COOs and GM's all over the place.  Watch and learn.

M-Pops's picture

Not sure where to post this, but figured that it had most to do with M's leadership.
Griff just lost all credit as the team leader and also puts Wak and the FO in a very bad position.  How do they respond?  M's should place Griff on the reserve list for a series or two so that he can catch-up on his sleep. 

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