The posture you mention, as well as the "steepled fingers" posture, is one of authority and evaluation. Mr. Spock would adopt one of those poses when taking a report from an ensign. :- )
The presence of the table you're sitting at --- > warps a lot of body language that would be different when standing, or when sitting in a comfortable sofa...
Chessplayers often use a "laced fingers" posture, sometimes resting the chin on the hands, because it removes the distraction of having fingers at all. :- ) The hands can rest quietly for long periods of time and as the palms face inward, you can "cocoon" yourself into a posture of deep contemplation.
Body language can be complicated and controversial but it's funny you should mention your "bang the gavel" role with such a classically-authoritative posture... your natural posture in this case is probably serving you well, conveying an *unconscious* level that you are the right person to be directing the discussion.
Or not :- )
In the picture leading yesterday's article, as well as in the picture here, Campos' lead palm is facing the baseball. The picture posted yesterday conveys a much better impression of Campos' relaxed attitude.
The palms-connected-by-a-string motion creates --- > a "dynamic spiral" within the plane of Campos' shoulder turn. His shoulders, arms and hands are in harmony with the single intent of his mind.
Other examples ... the two-handed SpockPunch, or any golf swing, or watch a tennis player "gather" his groundstroke with his lead arm.
The alternative would be to have the glove facing the plate, "greedily" reaching out to grab it. The idea is that Campos is getting himself under control first, before worrying about a rush to grab his object.
The palms are a critical "tell" of inner attitude in any interpretation of body language, the more so in aiki waza.
For example, one time we mediated an argument between two business opponents. One of the men had open arms, often reaching out to recline on the back of the sofa, and his palms were consistently facing the other man. This man had complete, inner, confidence that he was in the right. (He wasn't, which is another chapter...)
Quickest way to tell whether a fellow human's attitude towards you is "enthusiastic" or "guarded" is to check the % of the time you can see their open palms...
That's about 10 degrees of subject. In martial technique -- sports competition is budo -- the palms can give a clear signal as to where the soldier's ideas are.
One time, Jeff Sullivan and I chatted pitching motions and he argued for the "tucked glove" lead arm, though he cheerfully admitted he was going strictly off intuition and preference. I didn't quite get what he meant by that, but Campos' overall body language in this photo really gets the idea across. It took that specific picture for me to "get it" as far as the inward-facing palm in the pitching motion.
You're not going to see a tennis player "gather" a forehand stroke with his lead arm... and ever see his left hand facing the opponent. :- ) Jeffy's intuition on the tucked glove turned out to be right, in my opinion.
No question about it - an aiki sensei would counsel the tucked glove. Problem is, consciously tucking the glove wouldn't accomplish the natural dynamic that a pitcher like Campos has before he even thinks about it.
We don't say that a tucked glove means a 2.99 ERA. :- ) But some 18-year-olds are gifted. What others have to work years for, they do with no effort at all.
Doc, interesting stuff.
I sit in tons of meetings, and bang the gavel in lots of them. One of the things I've learned is that if I want to give the impression that I'm paying attention (in fact, I do this to pay attention) I sit with my hands cupped in front of me.....fingers interlaced, palms facing my torso. I am then focused.
When I extend my arms with open hands I feel that I'm giving the impression of pushing away the other party. In fact, I think I do "push away" their ideas and input. I'm elsewhere
Is that my natural aiki coming out?
Anyway, the picture of Campos in the other thread is particularly interesting. He is still playing Peek-a-boo behind his left shoulder as his throwing arm is transitioning toward the plate. This is a motion that I've always felt led to a sinking action on the ball.....and deceptive velocity. I'll almost bet that Campos at 92 sneaks up on the plate like somebody else at 94.
Just my own hunch, I suspect. I certainly have to empirical data no back it up, but open up early and your hand gets under the ball and it stays up. Open up late and your hand stays on top of the ball...and down it goes.