Coming and Going

... coming and going, er, Checking In Checking Out, being a category that Bill James has run when surveying decades in baseball.


=== Mega Mariner ===

As far as I can tell, this brand spankin' new site has been up for less than a month.

I like the "Around Baseball" style post in which Mega M's briefs yer on the news of the day and then tags out with its own reaction.   I think this kind of post is underdone ... after all, it's the bread-and-butter device used by sites like to kick their sites up to Borg-level domination.

String eight or ten news bites with a quick-shot edit on it, and you've got the beginnings of a baseball beef stock, as opposed to the kind of blog that :ahem: tries to paint every corner of the floor so that there's not much bone left to chew.   :whistles innocently:

Mega's reaction to the nixed Morrow-Jackson deal:  Morrow may be a better pitcher in 2010 anyway.

Mega's reaction to the Beltre/Bedard arb vote:  they voted for Beltre, not Bedard, as many do.


That's not the only kind of post that Mega does.  Here's a LonnieMC-type post in which they survey the choices at 3B, internal and external.  Each choice is given a quick-reaction.

Kewl, dudes.  :daps:


=== East Coast Mariner ===

Also relatively new, as far as I know, and the comprehensive knowledge here captures the M's minor leagues as well.  Maybe they're attempting the Flight of Icarus with an idea that they'll be able to pressure Jay into stirring a little bit on his minor-league throne.  :- )

Seriously, with the Safeco 2 acres saturated, the minor leagues are relatively new-blown snow.  We could all do with a POTD on another M's minor leaguer daily, if that were possible.

Good stuff here too.


=== Bleeding Blue & Teal ===

As we call the blog, affectionately, by its real name.  ;- )

It seems like Jon Shields has, for the time being, decided to chat M's for fun instead of for blood.  Nice that at least one among us has his priorities in order.

Jon is a big favorite among MC and SSI bleacher bums, among many other places.  Change of venue for his ideas, hopefully, is all we're talking about.

Enjoy the pitch charting especially amigo, but it's all good ... we'll keep yer on the sidebar for awhile yet...



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