Indiana Fever Burns Storm In Lopsided Third Quarter
Once again, the Seattle Storm have shown that shooting 68% in the first half doesn't win you the game if you only score 9 points in the third quarter.
Once again, the Seattle Storm have shown that shooting 68% in the first half doesn't win you the game if you only score 9 points in the third quarter.
Despite Kayla McBride’s best efforts, the Seattle Storm managed to rally at the end of the fourth quarter Sunday night and beat the San Antonio Silver Stars.
<p>@all - well at some point a girl's gotta let the baby #Bird fly the nest so I am probably going to sign off soon... it wouldnt be much fun for her to chat with me about nothing after all the texting we do all day... hop</p>
<div class="indented">Reply - anonymous - 8/17/15 7:04pm<br>@Sunshine. I am still here. Hope you are well. This is NYC123 as anon. </div><div class="indented">Reply - NJWriter - 8/18/15 4:58am<br>@123...I Hope you're doing well too. </div>
<p>@Katharine my mom used to make us eat peas by putting them in mashed potato wells and calling them #Birds' nests.</p>
<div class="indented">Reply - smeagol - 8/2/15 2:06am<br>@ny that is funny</div>
<p>@smeagol It looks like a #Bird wrote that #Book!</p>
<p>@smeagol Haha, what a #Bird brain.</p>
<p>@Sunshine: it is both...the man you date is a person..the date location is a coffee house. clever #Bird</p>