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M's 5 …..


No sooner do the Mariners utterly humiliate themselves against the Lastros --- > than they roll out in San Francisco and eggsecute the world champs gangland-style.  When they tell you to kneel down and put your hands behind your head, Buster, go ahead and grab a letter opener and slash your way out in style.  No, seriously.  Dr. D will cooperate with criminals right up until they tell him to get down on the ground; then he's going all SSI-nutso on their sorry keisters.


Shout - G_Money - 6/9/15 2:58pm

Connor was a JuCo transfer to LSU for his last two seasons, doesn't walk much, has a doubles swing but no real HR power. He has decent size and let's the ball #Travel, but doesn't really punish it. Maybe a timing thing to go with his somewhat flat swing? I'd have to see more. Not really expecting much from him, but he's a cheap sign and Stefen Romero came in around this draft slot originally as a 3B as well (though he was more of a crusher his last year, and a junior sign). These guys can work out, regardless of whether I expect them too.


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