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Lake Bruin State Park

When you go out in your bathing suit to get wet in a day of sunshine with other Louisiana singles, you already know you’re in for a fun day. Make it even better by going to Lake Bruin State Park, a place where you can fish, camp and play water sports all day long. Bring something to grill at the campsites and feel free to bring your camper or RV, since they’ve got electricity ready for you—or rough out the night with a tent, sleeping bag and the stars. You can also rent a boat there or bring your own. Have you ever spent the day at Lake Bruin State Park?


What’s Happening Wednesday: The isolated homeschooler myth

If you don’t follow Linda Dobson’s blog Parent at the Helm, I strongly recommend doing so. She has tons of wonderful information on her blog and website that are really helpful when you begin to unschool. This week she posted a wonderful blog about how silly the myth of the “isolated homeschooler” is and I wanted to share it.


Take Action Tuesday: Homecare workers, breast cancer and more

Where I live in the Midwest, we have several inches of snow—more than we've had all winter! So I suppose it’s the perfect day to engage in a little armchair activism. Here are a few issues making their rounds that a lot of homeschoolers and parents in general are concerned about. Feel free to add your voice to any campaigns that resonate with you.

Provide homecare workers with protection



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