Shout - Katharine S. - November 29 2014 2:57 am EST
And yes, time #Travel would work wonders for just about everything. #Singles #Katharine S. #Chat:11-29-14_1:59am
And yes, time #Travel would work wonders for just about everything. #Singles #Katharine S. #Chat:11-29-14_1:59am
I'm inclined to believe the answer to ALL of life's problems lies with some kind of time #Travel. :P #Singles #saysthespider #Chat:11-29-14_1:59am
Fair enough. I was early on the cell phone bandwagon for #Travel, and late to the smart phone thing, but I rely on it so much now. #Singles #Villon #Chat:11-28-14_4:42pm
But honestly, what I'd like to try to do is secure a semi-permanent base for myself in #Prague and #Travel from there, instead of continuing this rootless wandering. At least for the winter. #Singles #Villon #Chat:11-28-14_4:42pm
Ha. That's absolutely one of the best reasons to #Travel, in my humble opinion. #Singles #saysthespider #Chat:11-28-14_4:42pm
#Prague in winter! Le sigh. Can I ask... do you #Travel for work? Or is it just pure bohemian fun? I've always been curious... #Singles #saysthespider #Chat:11-28-14_4:42pm
Getting ready to #Travel on, my friend. Tomorrow is laundry and packing and touching up my hair color and so forth. Sunday is a #Traveling day, but just a quick skip to #Brussels. #Singles #Villon #Chat:11-28-14_4:42pm
I couldn't imagine having a child who was sick and then needing to #Travel to get appropriate treatment. #Singles #NYC123 #Chat:11-27-14_3:38pm