Shout - indy1207 - 1/2/16 6:22pm
<p>@NY Oh, that is good #News. I thought you said it was a bad year.</p>
<p>@NY Oh, that is good #News. I thought you said it was a bad year.</p>
<p>@All Oh, yes! I do have good #News. I did my end of year review and 2015 was, in fact, a good year. :p</p>
<p>@NY It's ok. You said you had good #News when you texted earlier.</p>
<p>@Aliah That is good #News. Tell him my brothers and me did much worse.</p>
<p>@NY Good #News is he found the shifter he needed for the Capri, and he got a roof rack for our van!</p>
<p>Patrick Kane is making #News again</p>
<div class="indented">Reply - mickiholley - 12/19/15 6:13pm<br><p>but it is good news.</p>
</div><div class="indented">Reply - mickiholley - 12/19/15 6:52pm<br><p>record breaking news actually!</p>
</div><div class="indented">Reply - gnomie - 12/20/15 5:10am<br><p>I am glad Gretzky is so gracious about it.</p>
<p>Hot diggity #Dog! I signed off of sports #News for the day in the late afternoon, get awakened in the middle of the night by a phone call that our first grandchild is announcing he's ready to exit our daughter, sign on while we await the #News to head for the hospital, and see THIS! SUPER!</p>
<div class="indented">Reply - OBF - 12/18/15 8:09am<br><p>Congrats GrandDaddyO! Boy or girl?</p>