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Managerial Change?


Q.  How do you know whether it's the manager's fault?

A.  We just spent the winter talking about it.  You can measure whether a team is Underperforming, Overperforming, or None Of The Above.  If there's a way to measure a manager's ability, that's how yer do it.  What a team would be doing with a "placeholder" manager, and what it's doing now.

Strike one.


Q.  What is the number one cause of underperformance?

A.  Lack of self-belief, lack of confidence, lack of conviction.  Overpressing.

Norman Vincent Peale (of all people) quoted Branch Rickey in The Power of Positive Thinking.  Rickey didn't care if you were talking about Stan Musial or Ty Cobb; once a player has the wrong mental attitude, that of trying too hard, he was going to be on the bench.  

Relaxed power is the name of the game.  You could look it up, or you could ax a scratch golfer.



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