Shout - girlnextdoor - Tue, 02/04/2014 - 09:23
that's how I found out about my friend's divorce... she changed her fb status. wowser. #Singles #girlnextdoor
that's how I found out about my friend's divorce... she changed her fb status. wowser. #Singles #girlnextdoor
Here they come. Our ranking of the top 20 most valuable hitters of 2013, as ranked by our composite score: plate skills (avoidance of non-random outs) + production (producing non-random offense).
Hoffman was an amazing actor, let's not let the way he died take away from his life. #Singles #girlnextdoor
lol @ everyone who went over the top at superbowl parties yesterday... guess that's the up side to not being a #Sports fan, I feel fine! #Singles #girlnextdoor
What's a "dynasty"? The Founding Father has given us a systematic way to think about it.
Defining "DYNASTY"
1) He looked up the word, and "dynasty" simply means "series of championships." He accepts this definition. Based on that, his own bar is rather loose. If a team won three pennants in a decade, he's willing to talk about that as a dynasty.
If the 49er's went to three Super Bowls in a row, losing two of them, he'd probably accept that as a "lesser dynasty" or somesuch.
1a) This goes AGAINST my own 1970's understanding of the word, in which ONE team CONTROLS the sport for a number of years.
Just off the cuff ... the 1970's Steelers won like 4 of 6 Super Bowls, and did so in such a way that other teams were terrified of playing them. This is what I think of when I think of "dynasty," the MAJOR dynasty, the UNQUESTIONED dynasty.
1b) This may not be possible in the modern NFL and MLB.