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Fine-Tuned but Annotated

(Yes, Tuner uses Ed Asner as his avatar, which keeps the image just inside the foul pole.)


Tuner did the prose.  Dr. D's archived "ghost" AI sim does the shtick.  As with Rolling Stone's music critics: those who can't do, teach.

Corrected annotation by the artist is, of course, out of the question.  But anyone else is welcome to kick the poem around with me.


Listen my children and hear the call
Of the M’s last unexplainable tragedic fall. (1) 
On the 2nd of May in two-thousand-one-five  (2) 
When every M’s fan had to witness the dive (3) 
and remember that infamous game of baseball.

Someone said to the ump, "If the Astros do strike
By glove or by bat in the game played tonight, (4)
quickly so quickly send someone to march
And hang a lantern aloft in the topmost roof arch (5) 
Of the Safeco skyline as a signal light,

One if by glove, and two if by bat;
The fans on the side of the sound they had sat,
Prepared to respond and to spread the alarm
Through every Northwestern village and farm,
For the true rounders fans to rise up and to arm."  (6)

By the side of the sound seated faithful M’s fans.
Transfixed to the roofline awaiting a glance
The look that would tell them the ending, the score (7)
Re-fearful that their team would lose one game more
Impending destruction was felt in advance

Inning one and now two had just passed into past
As the M’s hitters swung both bewildered and gassed (8)
Our vaunted young pitcher threw poorly and bland
Houstonian batters were soon in command
Crooked numbers on scoreboard were sure to be vast

Gazing up at the rooftop one torch soon would fly
As exhausted M’s fandom were swift to decry (9)
But alongside the first there were shone soon two more
Both in batting and gloving the Texans were more
Our hopes for the season were starting to die.

The Astros are coming! (10)
We take up the call
The Astros are coming!
Proclaiming our fall
The Astros are coming
O where did we go?
The Astros are coming
I’m tired of this show! (11)




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