Shout - Browns8625 - 7/28/15 6:19pm
<p>Yeah @Kat I bet #Denver is a beautiful city. Want to go bad</p>
<p>Yeah @Kat I bet #Denver is a beautiful city. Want to go bad</p>
<p>@Sunshine Do you mean NYC transit? Well, I've used #Denver's train, and actually I've used the ones in #London and #Paris too, but I was just talking a little about #Denver's. :)</p>
<p>Here in #Denver, the colleges downtown give you a semester pass for bus and light rail, so it makes sense to ride it -- it's free for students!</p>
<p>@Browns and @Erika, I took #Denver's light rail to school all the time in college and I loved it!</p>
<p>@Browns I love Chipotle! We have plenty of them here in #Denver, of course.</p>
<p>@NYC123, I don't diet and I don't live in NYC, but I can imagine. Lots of great restaurants here in #Denver too.</p>
<p>@NYC123 haven't you mentioned a salad place before that you really like, kind of like our Mad Greens in #Denver?</p>
<p>@takingnotes We have a few of those in #Denver too. But no takingnotes in #Denver! :)</p>