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Finding the Best First Date

When you first meet someone new, it can be a challenge to figure out a first date idea that is both entertaining and unique. So why not try out what other couples are doing by taking your date to one of Austin’s most popular first date locations. If you’re in the mood for adventure take a hike up to Castle Hill and see one of the city’s most unique artistic attractions. Or slow it down a bit by taking in a round of mini-golf at Peter Pan. You’re even allowed to bring in your own drinks if you feel like it. And if you really want to go all-out, head to the Oasis for dinner.


As you know...



There is exactly one (1) reason we're postgaming this one.  Sometimes service requires sacrifice.   Well, unless you're having Dinner-and-a-Disney-Movie, but then again, any resemblance between Disney movies and Mariner baseball is strictly coincidental.


/ Gahhhhhh 

Did you know some infinities are "denser" than others?  Do you believe that the infinite series (1, 2, 3 ... etc) contains fewer numbers than the series (1.1, 1.2, 1.3 ... etc)?   Matt could answer that, but for now just chill.


Dr. D read nothing about the game, as usual, so does not know the answer to this question:  How often, in a baseball game, does a run score on a leadoff at-bat, and on no other at-bats?

A friend of ours -- this is a soccer fan, now, from England -- once described this as the dreariest evening POSSIBLE:  a baseball game, with one solo homer.  

And in this case, the solo homer occurred with about five hours left to play.  So the Mariners one-upped my friend's hypothesis.  They played a game drearier than he believed possible.

There are infinitely exasperating games, and then there are Mariner-dense infinitely exasperating games.


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