Shout - Flower Power - 10/10/15 11:37pm
<p>This site is doing some really #Strange things. Good night, all!</p>
Chat: 10/10/15 10:27pm
Shout - takingnotes - 10/8/15 2:11pm
<p>@all - Question #6: If you could own one #Strange/exotic pet, which would you choose?</p>
Chat: 10/8/15 8:18am
Shout - Flower Power - 9/26/15 10:55pm
<p>Hey anon I think you have #Strange hours like me.</p>
<div class="indented">Reply - anonymous - 9/26/15 10:56pm<br>@Flower. Nice to see you here. </div><div class="indented">Reply - Flower Power - 9/26/15 10:59pm<br>I'm trying to stay on, but am having weird issues with this site.</div><div class="indented">Reply - NYNY - 9/27/15 8:58pm<br>How was your day otherwise?</div>
Shout - takingnotes - 9/22/15 7:59pm
<p>@nyny Apple picking! What a #Strange thing that is for a city boy like me. :)</p>
Chat: 9/22/15 6:02am
Shout - takingnotes - 8/18/15 11:37am
<p>@erika lol. People are #Strange. When I was in #Portland, we had Darth Vader Bagpipe Unicycle guy.</p>
<div class="indented">Reply - Browns8625 - 8/18/15 11:59am<br>Wow.. how weird. I hear Portland has a lot of sidewalk acts yhough. Never new that before America's got talent</div>