Q. Do the Mariners have a track record of scapegoating?
A. All big organizations "assign responsibility" for train wrecks. I'd say the Mariners are classier about it, more restrained about it, than most of the org's I ever worked for.
Like we say, multinational corporations look a lot different from the outside than the inside. It's a bit, um, naive to notice a little set of firings by these execs and have an "Aha!," moment, announce that we are seeing something sinister.
That said, this USSM article raises interesting exhibits. If anybody cares, I'll give my cornball boots-on-the-ground interpretation of what was probably happening in each situation.
Q. Should Carmine Fusco have been fired over Josh Leuke, or who is to blame?
A. Who is to blame, is the media lynch mob in America.
When you have white-male-on-any-female potential crime (Leuke) or white-male-on-minority free speech transgression (John Rocker) you are going to get a lynching. All sense of proportion, and therefore any chance of justice, is out the window. The media wants the man made an example of.
Any F-500 company is going to have to comply with the media's demands, and that's what any F-500 company does. The sinister element here is present, but it's not with the company.