United States
A social network strictly for beer snobs
Do you ever find yourself overwhelmed when trying to delve into the world of craft beers? Sure, you have friends who are totally knowledgeable, and even though you don’t know the first thing about beer, they are happy to help you out with little to no trash talking. Is that enough, though? How do you become one of those loud mouth, suds-guzzling, beer snobs yourself? Look no further than The Beer Fridge (TBF).
What's the best thing to do to help the environment?
I live in the city. Every day I walk out of my apartment past garbage piled up and abandoned on a corner, wait at stoplights while an endless stream of cars chugs by spewing exhaust, and when I cross, I step over oil and tar stains on blacktop.
Getting paid to travel
Those of us that love to travel know that the unfortunate reality of having wanderlust is the sometimes large price tag attached to the journey. Getting around, finding a place to stay and restocking supplies all cost money and unless you’re prepared ahead of time, even a small miscalculation can shut you down and end a vacation early. Some who want to travel may not even get a chance to start, lacking the initial funds needed to make it that first step. Back when I was younger and my wallet thinner, I came across a great way to both travel and make money - seasonal work.
Keystone Oil Pipeline approved!
The energy situation in this country is a challenge, right? Oil and gas prices are going up even as reserves are going down. We're trying tracking, but it's not going well for the environment. The promise of greener technologies like wind and solar has been slow in getting support/funding, and therefore slow in growing as something that is filling that energy void.
Celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr.
Today we celebrate one of the most inspiring men of the 20th century, Martin Luther King, Jr. Beginning with the Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955 until he was assassinated in 1968 in Memphis, MLK was a fearless leader who fought for racial justice.
Are you sure you’re doing that right?
We’ve all experienced it before, that one friend, family member, or random person who has an opinion about everything. Sure we all have opinions, but this person in particular, well their opinion seems to be even further off the mark.
San Francisco Home Brew Barrel Walk
In case you hadn't noticed, there is a revolution in the way we make beer here in the United States. I remember as a kid seeing my dad's cooler stocked with MGD and Miller Lite and everybody seemed to be having a grand old time.
Not anymore. Last Thanksgiving there were a dozen different small batch breweries represented in the fridge, and my cousin, a beer rep, brought over a box full of another dozen leftover from different six packs. Same amount of beer, just much more variety and flavor.