Shout - takingnotes - November 10 2014 4:24 pm EST
Need to step out into the horribly cold #Weather and have a smoke. I'll brb. #Singles #takingnotes #Chat:11-10-14_1:13pm
Need to step out into the horribly cold #Weather and have a smoke. I'll brb. #Singles #takingnotes #Chat:11-10-14_1:13pm
Our mild #Weather definitely helps. It would be a lot harder to get motivated to get out if it was cold and snowy outside. #Singles #Erika B #Chat:11-10-14_1:13pm
But #Maine has great #Weather in the summer and fall #Singles #NYC123 #Chat:11-10-14_1:13pm
#Weather is getting cold now #Singles #NYC123 #Chat:11-10-14_9:55am
Sorry to hear you're under the #Weather, NYNY. I hope you feel better soon. #Singles #Katharine S. #Chat:11-9-14_3:03pm
With the cold hand of Winter creeping ever closer, choosing a date destination that's both intimate and indoorsy becomes a must. Instead of heading out to the usual restaurant or movie theater this season, try adding a splash of science to your romance – while keeping warm – with an educational night under the stars at the Hayden Planetarium.
I love the #Holidays but not the cold #Weather #Singles #NYC123 #Chat:11-8-14_5:12pm