Shout - takingnotes - December 19 2014 6:13 pm EST
I prefer to watch the #Weather channel out my window. It's usually more accurate. :P #Single #takingnotes
Shout - Erika B - December 19 2014 6:10 pm EST
can you watch the #Weather channel online? probably not. too bad. #Single #Erika B
Shout - saysthespider - December 19 2014 6:07 pm EST
And I agree about the #Weather channel drinking game! Nice! #Single #saysthespider
Shout - Erika B - December 19 2014 6:06 pm EST
I love the idea of a #Weather Channel drinking game in a bar! That is hilarious! #Single #Erika B
Shout - Villon - December 19 2014 6:04 pm EST
So every time the regional temp map would come up with these yellow crescents, someone would yell "BANANAS!" and everyone would have a shot. And when there were no bananas, we didn't drink. And it was uniquely, wonderfully #New_Orleans that we made a drinking game out of the #Weather Channel in the midst of a hurricane warning. #Single #Villon
Shout - Villon - December 19 2014 6:01 pm EST
Now, because we weren't actually paying attention to the #Weather channel, I can't tell you what they were doing/saying, but there were frequent regional maps with #Weather patterns, as can be expected. And sometimes, all the temperatures in all the towns in #Louisiana would be underscored with yellow crescents. And sometimes they weren't. #Single #Villon
Shout - Villon - December 19 2014 6:00 pm EST
I lived in #New_Orleans, in the early 90's, and there was a hurricane warning for the region. As was the custom for my people, we went to the bar after work to drink. As was the custom for the bar, the jukebox ruled the audio, but the #Weather channel was on the #Television, due to the #Weather... #Single #Villon
Shout - NYFoodie - December 18 2014 11:24 am EST
A wonderful Bed and Breakfast for #Singles whatever the season, #Holiday or #Weather. #Single #NYFoodie #Chat:12-18-14_10:41am