This week I decided that I would delve into a subject of which I am quite fond - the end of the world. While there have been many movies made about how the world will supposedly in, ranging from humanity-destroying diseases to zombie hordes to alien invasions, few of these films manage to excel when it comes to putting together a believable post-apocalyptic world. Either they glaze over the finer details, the people in the world act like they just walked out of the modern day or the movies themselves are little more than excuses to throw together yet another action blockbuster (or failure). Some of these flicks, however, manage to get it right. Not all of those successful are necessarily serious dramas, some of them are comedies in fact, but they do all manage to leave you with the impression that whatever world you’ve just entered is indeed post-apocalyptic.
Before presenting the list, I do have to admit that I’ve not seen every post-apocalyptic movie out there. I also admit that I am somewhat biased in my choices, being that some of these are films that I’ve grown up on. Still, I think this list of 10 is a good place to start for anyone with a love of the end of the world scenario.