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Shout - SunshineNJ - January 3 2015 3:59 pm EST
Oh #Weather is much funner... #Single #SunshineNJ #Chat:1-3-15_1:33pm
Chat: January 3 2015 1:33 pm EST
Shout - SunshineNJ - January 1 2015 9:18 pm EST
all the while being greatly affected by the #Weather and general torpor of the day. #Single #SunshineNJ #Chat:1-1-15_8:43pm
Shout - SunshineNJ - January 1 2015 8:54 pm EST
even the #Weather was dreary. #Single #SunshineNJ #Chat:1-1-15_8:43pm
Chat: January 1 2015 8:43 pm EST
Shout - NYC123 - January 1 2015 2:34 am EST
Perhaps the cold #Weather kept people inside? #Single #NYC123 #Chat:1-1-15_2:12am
Chat: January 1 2015 2:12 am EST
Shout - Erika B - December 31 2014 7:20 pm EST
We would call that sleet here, it's not a very pleasant #Weather! #Single #Erika B #Chat:12-31-14_5:33pm
Shout - Villon - December 31 2014 7:17 pm EST
Current #Weather: freezing drizzle. I've never heard that one before, but it fits. #Single #Villon #Chat:12-31-14_5:33pm