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Shout - Xtreme19 - 3/9/16 7:32pm

<p>This time we are going high tech and will be signing voters in on iPads (we are a little slower here in the midwest). You really should have seen the other #Election judges trying to figure out how to work the iPads!</p>
<div class="indented">Reply - Xtreme19 - 3/9/16 7:35pm<br><p>I was playing on the iPad and downloaded some games to play while everyone else was trying to figure out how to turn it on. Did I mention the average age of an election judge is about 70. I was the youngest in the room (at 35).</p>

Shout - Xtreme19 - 3/9/16 7:29pm

<p>Tonight I had #Election judge training....majorly BORING!!! (and a waste of taxpayer #Money!)</p>
<div class="indented">Reply - Xtreme19 - 3/9/16 7:30pm<br><p>I have been an election judge for 4 years now and I have go to training before every election...OMG I was so bored!!</p>
</div><div class="indented">Reply - Xtreme19 - 3/9/16 7:31pm<br><p>It doesn't matter if someone has been doing this for years, they will still have the same exact same questions!!</p>

Shout - SABR Matt - 3/9/16 12:42pm

<p>As for the impact at general #Election time - I think some of the blue collar (blue-#Dog) conservative #Democrats who voted for Obama over McCain/Romney or who stayed home will come out and vote for Trump if he gets the nomination, but I also think many #Democrats voting (for or against Trump) GOP right now will vote #Democrat in the fall, even if the nominee is Clinton, because, when it comes to actually choosing a candidate, they will fall back on old patterns.

Shout - OBF - 3/9/16 10:18am

<p>Matt.... a ways down you talked about #Democrats and #Independents coming out in droves to vote for Trump... where did you find those stats? What would this mean for a general #Election where it is Trump vs Clinton? Trump vs Sanders? Everyone calls Trump unelectable... what if he has more dem support than we all think??</p>

Shout - MtGrizzly - 3/9/16 6:13am

<p>I don't think Kasich has much of a chance, to be honest. He's playing for VP now. The interesting thing to watch will be the #Republican Donor/Chamber of Commerce/Lobbyist class. They might not want to say it yet but I would wager #Money that they would rather have Trump than Cruz. They know they can work with Trump and they probably know to ignore the 'carnival barker' media manipulation techniques that he employs. They don't even need to support him - just starve the other candidates of $$. </p>

Shout - SABR Matt - 2/24/16 10:25am

<p>I don't see how the #Republican Senate has anything to lose by waiting moj. Sanders would be worse than Obama from their perspective, but Hillary is, at worst, a toss-up and she's going to win the democratic nomination very easily. It's not even going to be close. If Trump is the nominee, the GOP has ZEEERO chance to win the general...so what's the point of giving up now and hurting their own re-#Election prospects when they can wait and be no worse off?</p>

Shout - jemanji - 11/26/15 1:04pm

<p>I'm very thankful for such a wonderful group of friends - and friends at that, who can smile wryly at my bad days and carry on. I get more out of SSI/DOV than I put in. Thankful for Klat who provided us a platform and encouragement all the way since President Obama's #Election. And as DaddyO says, of course most thankful to Him from whom all blessings flow. Might the Republic see another 240 years of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness :- )</p>


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