Shout - NJWriter - 7/29/15 5:21am
<p>@Sunshine - these #New_York guys...they all come originally from #Arkansas,,,#Nebraska and then they look down on me because I'm from Jersey???</p>
<p>@Sunshine - these #New_York guys...they all come originally from #Arkansas,,,#Nebraska and then they look down on me because I'm from Jersey???</p>
<p>@NJWriter - and concerned that ppl in #Nebraska and Western PA will not have any way to relate to our topic.</p>
<p>@NJWriter - maybe #Seattle and #Nebraska folk are still in wakee upee mode?</p>
<p>It would've been an even nicer evening if it weren't 1,000 degrees in #Nebraska right now.</p>
<p>Not to my knowledge... not sure what's legal with OT here in #Nebraska.</p>