Shout - NYNY - 1/2/16 6:51pm
<p>@Aliah When I lived in #Spain, they sold a bunch of "shakes" at the grocery store in cartons that were pretty much just liquid strawberry, chocolate, etc. milk that was on the thick side... This was like that.</p>
<p>@Aliah When I lived in #Spain, they sold a bunch of "shakes" at the grocery store in cartons that were pretty much just liquid strawberry, chocolate, etc. milk that was on the thick side... This was like that.</p>
<p>@Aliah I have been to beaches in #San_Francisco and #Spain--otherwise just local river beaches!</p>
<p>@Aliah I need to see the beach there! I saw the Atlantic in the winter in #Spain and it was so cold but I fell in love with it, too.</p>
<p>@smeagol When I watched Forest Gump in #Spain it sounded SO different without the Southern accents.</p>
<p>@smeagol I saw it in #Spain. I saw Mona Lisa Smile there when I first arrived and barely understood anything then I saw Big #Fish three months later and understood most of it!</p>
I remember the first tie I ordered that in #Spain. #Sara_S. #Single