It's clear you've put more thought into it than the other Clinton supporters I've debated with(my sister and mom). Both played the gender card right from the get go, which led to immediate head/wall exercises.
Seems you clearly prefer realism to idealism. I can understand the appeal of wanting someone in the office who knows how the meat is made. Of all the arguments I've heard of the Clinton over Bernie people, that one does the most damage to my position. I myself am a super practical, pragmatic person, but I haven't yet abandoned my idealist intuitions. (Funny side note, I learned what idealist meant when being called it by one of my college professors during a debate about stealing music online, true story.) If I remember correctly, you and I are on quite opposite ends of the age scale. I remember you once saying you've been voting since the 60's, correct me if I'm wrong there. If so, that would probably go a little ways toward explaining my reluctance to let go of youthful idealism and your reluctance towards putting a grass roots political hippie into the white house.
I do think in your last lines about why people don't like her you missed a meaningful, perhaps primary reason. She been on record SOO many times being deceitful. I myself am far from a (R), and I find the Glenn Beck, Rush, Breitbart end of the spectrum nauseating. But behind all the noise there are some real problems for her, and they stem from her inability to just be honest and straight forward. From calling NAFTA the gold standard and pushing it hard then coming out against it once it became unpopular, to the sniper fire story, the entire email saga, Hillary flipping on Elizabeth Warren on bankruptcy legislation after becoming a Senator, the cattle futures stuff, all the things you mentioned, travelgate, pandering to specific audinces at opportunistic times, I mean the list goes on forever with her. In nearly every case she is on record saying something that is unequivocally false and if not, incredibly misleading. The vast RWC is one thing. Giving your enemies unlimited ammuntion throughout your entire time in the public eye is another, and to me is the main reason people (even many in her own party) don't like her. It's my main reason anyway.