The groundhog day thing was about recurrence ... not to Sales HR stats.
My concern is that as Sabreman pointed out, the goods might be more worn than we suspect and the Chisox know it and are all in as if it is a Texas Hold 'Em game ... it could be they figure he will never be as effective as he has been ... but they don't want to put up with his "behavior", not unlike How Hard and Chuckles dealing with Randy.
And the movie ... the same thing happening over and over again in reference to Seattle's fabulous trading history, which is akin to getting shagged by a rodent.
As to "fire sale", if you've ever been around clothes that has been in a fire, a certain odor never goes away, but you don't know it until you smell it, and, in this on-line business, you won't know until after it has become yours.
The Chicago's know this, so, even if they put him on special after the initial offer brings no buyers, it becomes apparent they know this.
Makes sense to move your money to the craps table and throw down Tie One On and Tank on the table.