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RockiesJeff's picture

Thanks Jeff....the baseball grind is great but very real mentally working through the whole process. Long seasons ahead at every level. It is fun and a special time getting to watch your own son enjoy a taste of the success for all of the hard work he puts in daily....but can't take anything for granted. Your encouragement and kindness means a lot.

As usual, you all are right on with Diaz. A stud. 98! I can't even hit a golf ball 98! It is funny, I will have send Jeremy his stats as he is always on himself to put on weight (currently 6'5/200) while Diaz is listed at a mere 6'3"/165. I have to assume those are old/small numbers on Diaz. There is not a team in existence that has too much pitching. Love watching the younger ones work their way up!



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